Welcome to a new blog post where we delve into a China Track Guide in F1 24.
Today, we continue with the Track Guides for the 25 tracks available on F1 24.
These tutorials are created by Esports Driver and Coach ADT Daniele Haddad, in collaboration with Kevin Salerno.
It's a hot-lap analysis aimed at helping you get to know a specific circuit better: the braking points, apexes, reference points, where and how much to throttle...
This way, you'll have a clearer idea of how to tackle a track on F1 24.
For this episode, let's discover the unique Shanghai track.
Before we begin the China Track Guide in F1 24, here's a brief historical note.

Designed by Hermann Tilke, the circuit was inaugurated in 2004 after just 18 months of construction.
Measuring 5451m in length and featuring 16 turns, it is a very distinctive track.
The spiral section winding between turns 1 and 4 and the spoon curve at turn 12 are among the most unique and challenging points in all of motorsport.
Today, in addition to F1, a shortened version of the track also hosts Formula E.
Now, let's start with the China Track Guide in F1 24.

Turns 1-2-3-4: Spiral
We immediately approach the first turn, which is very complicated and technical.
It's a very long, wide-radius corner.

Try to stay as close as possible to the inside curb, gradually downshifting to third gear and then to second for the left-hand pull.

From here, we shift back up to third gear, staying tight on the exit before widening out and maximizing speed, thus concluding this extremely challenging first sector.

Turn 6:
We reach the first turn of the second sector, a right-hand hairpin.
Downshift to third gear on exit, then quickly accelerate up through fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh gears.

Turn 7-8:
Next, tackle the first left-hand turn at full throttle, with a slight lift off the accelerator.

A slight tap on the brake in the second right-hand turn allows us to stay tight and prepare for the double left-hand turn.

Turn 9-10:
This turn is very complex and easy to lose traction on, requiring some steering struggle to exit optimally.

Turn 11-12-13:
We proceed to the first turn of the third sector, downshifting to third gear.
Take a left-hand turn followed by a right, gradually shifting up to fourth and then fifth gear, if necessary.
Traction here is very difficult to manage.

Then, tackle another long, wide-radius turn, characteristic of this track.
This launches us onto a very long straight, with DRS open, of about 1 km.

Turn 14-15:
At the end of the straight, a very challenging braking point awaits us.
Brake just before the 100-meter mark, with a slight lock-up on the front right, downshifting to third gear.
On exit, accelerate up to fifth and sixth gears.

Turn 16:
Finally, reach 50 meters before the last turn, braking and decisively inserting the car into the final corner.
Circle around the outside curb and conclude the lap with a time of 1:29.535.
You can also watch the China Track Guide in F1 24 on our YouTube channel:
See you soon and when in the doubt, flat out!