F1 23: How Many Calories Do SimDrivers Burn?

Today, we're diving into something a bit different from our usual topics.

A light, short, but very interesting curiosity.

All the movements we make throughout the day help us burn calories, which is the energy provided to our bodies by consuming food and drinks.

Naturally, this means that SimRacing also helps burn off energy, aiding both in dieting and in maintaining overall fitness.

"Mens Sana in Corpore Sano" (A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body), as Juvenal, the ancient Roman poet, would say in his satires.

You have a productive, proactive, and effective mind to tackle daily challenges only if your body is well-trained, healthy, and full of energy.

To maintain this so-called "bodily health" and ensure mental well-being, SimRacing can be a great workout.

But the question is: how many calories can a SimDriver burn?

Let's find out.

Keep reading this post.

A Few Things First: The calories you burn depend on your metabolism, your body, and your age much like in the gym.

So, we can’t give you a specific number of calories you’ll burn, but we can make an approximate estimate.

First of all, as mentioned earlier, our metabolism is a "calorie-burning machine."

You can burn calories just by sitting on the couch watching TV or while in the office, at school, or at university.

But the energy expenditure is always much lower compared to physical activities, including SimRacing.

How many calories do I burn while racing?

Suppose you are 23 years old: you will burn between 170 and 220 kcal/hour, which is quite close to the amount you’d burn lifting weights or doing aqua aerobics.

It’s not a huge amount, but remember, it’s three times what you’d burn while lying in bed.

It’s also very little compared to real F1 drivers, who can burn up to 1000 kcal/hour while driving their cars, a record number.

G-forces and adrenaline pumping through their bodies are factors that significantly contribute to such a high number for real drivers.

We hear about GT drivers who are so hungry after a race that they could eat the garage doors off their pits!

How do I burn calories in SimRacing?

A very popular question.

Even though you don’t feel the real G-forces like in an actual race car, you do perform physical activities like braking hard with your left leg to improve your lap times or overtake a rival.

Additionally, you might exert a lot of arm strength on your steering wheel if it has strong Force-Feedback.

A significant amount of energy is used to steer, to shift gears.

All this adds up to the calories you burn.

It’s nothing compared to the effort required to drive a real F1 or GT3 car, but the physical work is still considerable.

Well, we’ve come to the end of this relatively short but very interesting article on calorie consumption in the world of SimRacing.

Now, we want to give you a little surprise, namely the Track Path from us at ADT Esports Academy to help you improve your times on F1 23 and give a purpose to your calorie burning while driving!

First of all, remember that being fast on F1 is a slow, delicate, and exhausting process.

You must work hard and invest in yourself if you want to achieve the results you aspire to on the track and reach your goals.

On the track, you are NOT the employee, the lawyer, the butcher, the worker, the family man, the student of everyday life.

You are a Driver, and as such, you must act, turning, turning, and turning, with perseverance and dedication.

You'll see that the results will come if you adopt a Method, a System specifically studied and tested for YOU.

Imagine the thrill, the rush of adrenaline when you push your car to the limit and cross the finish line first in a race.

Imagine the happiness, the burst of pride and self-esteem you'll have when you achieve all your goals on F1.

Imagine watching yourself on the track, getting a Podium, or winning a Race.

Wouldn't it be great to be able to do everything you want on your own, like achieving pole positions and victories, winning championships?

We are ADT Esports Academy, the first F1 academy globally.

With over 15 years of experience in SimRacing, we have helped more than 1900 drivers revolutionize their driving style on F1, with some reaching Esports championships.

Others have simply started having fun, improved their performance, and started winning races/championships.

If you really want to improve on F1, you're in the right place!

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See you soon and when in the doubt, flat out!